Wednesday, 27 June 2007

The End

As regular readers know by now, I usually like to keep things light and upbeat, but on a day that has seen terrible and fatal conditions in the north east of England it seems inappropriate to be so.

Suffice to say the behavior of some of the drivers in the car park that seemed amusing at the time beggars belief after such a great festival. Glastonbury is an experience, not all of it pleasant either. It's not really a great deal of fun walking for water, food and sanitation but an alarming amount of people in this world still have to do it, without the fun of live music and all that joy this festival brings. 1.1 billion people do it just to survive every day. In the five hours we waited in the car park, over 1000 children died as a result of diseases caused by unclean water and poor sanitation.

So to all you angry motorists who were there, to all those that were moaning that someone pushed in or were driving around the field churning up the mud in frustration, do yourselves and everyone else a very big favour. Don't get angry when you get cut up on the road, get angry when your Government tries to replace Trident missiles at a cost of at least 26 Billion pounds but is still closing A&E hospitals. Don't get angry if your local supermarket changes around the food isles, get angry that the World Trade Organisation is bullying countries into signing up to it's charter that is killing their economies and driving them into deeper debt.

We had a brilliant time and had our eyes opened as well. Being around some amazing people, from the woman that lives in a peace camp by an American Base to the guy in a green lurex thong on a stag weekend. Living in those conditions for a weekend makes you appreciate how how are lives are so clean, so cosy, so dull.

Hope you enjoyed the blog, the next one will be from Silverstone in a week and a half at the British GP.

Paul & Sue

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