Saturday, 23 June 2007

heidi high

The joy of being woken by a loony with a megaphone. With the exception of a very large lady sitting on a very tiny stool, yesterdays highlight was the Arctic Monkeys. The only problem being, whenever I hear their music in the future, I'll be thinking of the all the blokes dressed as bananas who were furiously pogoing and seemed to know all the words to the songs, with the exception of the one who kept vomiting. The mud has become nice and sticky so we'll all be flexing our thigh muscles when we get home. After the Pyramid Stage finished we ended up in what we think was called the pink flamingo, for several hours of severe dance music. The bar has girls that serve you by walking over the bar. Class. Took a while to get back through the quagmire as we were a little dazed and confused, with great relief we made it to bed. Almost as much relief as I saw on the face of one guy we spoke to, when we were next to the bunch of bananas, "From over there, I thought you were standing next to the Klu Klux Klan!" He laughed. Oh great, it's just started raining again, ho de ho campers. Paul & Sue x x

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