Friday 22 June 2007

the longest day

Yet again we have avoided the temptation of a balloon from the nitrosoxide man in the stone circle. Another night spent in the sacred space and we've just got back to the tent. Everyone is friendly here, one guy came over to ask up something, blissfully unaware that our flaming torch was about to burn his gonads off. Camping space has got really tight this evening and tents get ever nearer to the toilets. Before we ended up at the stoned circle, we went to visit the freak show tent. Tonight was John Merrick (the elephant man) as Elvis. Best of all, the stage is surrounded by beds to sit on. We are now back at the tent after a very long day, the solstis has left the building. Tomorrow the festival gets underway, we can't wait. Vegetable Rights & Peace, Paul & Sue x x

Billy Wears Dresses at The Pyramid Stage.

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